What Are The Best Free Traffic Sources For New Websites?


What Are The Best Free Traffic Sources For New Websites?

One of the biggest challenges for new website owners is getting people to visit your site, i.e. getting traffic. The more people who visit your site the more chances you have for conversion (turning visitors into buyers and making sales).

There are two types of traffic: paid, which as the name suggests, comes from any marketing you’ve paid for, and organic (free) traffic, which is traffic that comes from free sources where you haven’t had to pay.

When your website is just starting out and you’re trying to establish a presence and bring in more traffic, you probably don’t have a lot of money in your budget for marketing. That’s why we’ve put together this list of great free traffic sources for your new site.

Search Engines And SEO

Google, Amazon, Bing and YouTube are some of the best ways to get free traffic to your site if you utilise search engine optimisation (SEO). This involves optimising your website and it’s content for the requirements of search engines, thereby getting your site higher up in the results and in front of more people. By investing time in researching and implementing the best SEO practices you have a free source of traffic to your site. Some website providers like WordPress also offer plugins to make this process even easier.


Quora is a website that allows people to post questions and receive answers, and each month has more than 500 million visitors. Questions can be on just about any topic you can think of, so you are more than likely to find questions relating to your niche. Answering questions on Quora threads, especially the more popular ones, and leaving a link to the relevant page of your site will often result in increased traffic. You may have noticed when doing your own Google searches that related questions and answers from Quora are often linked in the top spots in the search results. This means people don’t even have to be using Quora to find your link, which means more traffic for your site.


Reddit is another great free traffic source, but you have to be careful with sharing links. Much like Quora, there are a variety of topics, and these are found in subthreads called subReddits. You’re almost guaranteed to find one that relates to your website and what you offer. Just be sure to check the rules for every subReddit that you post in, as some don’t allow you to posts URLs. You also need to be sure that you are actually engaging in the conversations if you’re posting links to your site because otherwise you will be banned for not participating. Make sure that any time you share link it’s relevant and actually contributes to the discussion.

Niche Forum Sites

There are also dedicated websites for discussions about anything you can think of. A simple Google search should reveal the more popular forums, and from there you can join and post your link when relevant. This is assuming you’re allowed to post links – make sure you read the forum rules so that you don’t get banned. This could reflect negatively on you and your website, which is damaging when it’s only just gotten started.

Confused By Digital Marketing? We Can Help!

At MacZin Digital Marketing, we know how to bring your website plenty of traffic. If you don’t understand SEO, or don’t have the time to post on the forums or other sites, talk to our team. As digital marketing experts, we implement effective strategies and take care of all of your digital marketing needs.

For a quote on our services, contact us now.

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