5 Types of Interactive Content That Will Help Your Brand Stand Out From the Rest


5 Types of Interactive Content That Will Help Your Brand Stand Out From the Rest

The Internet and interactive were destined to collide. The catch here is it was decided far back that we will interact online. While we live for interaction, the Internet provides it to us. Interactive content engages the user in an activity such as making choices, exploring scenarios, answering questions. It is a great way to capture the attention from the start.

Following are the five types of interactive content that will help your brand stand out from the rest.

QUIZZES - Quizzes have a magnet which keeps the readers attracted. While a few consider them a fun distraction, for businesses it is something serious. Quizzes help users test their knowledge. In the end, the quizzes actively involve the reader and provide them with immediate results. The “check your score” tab is enough to keep the reader coming back for more.

POLLS & SURVEYS - Polls and surveys are highly beneficial for both the creator and the user because it fulfills a variety of needs. The subject of the poll or survey gives an insight to the user in their areas of expertise. Corporate giants such as KPMG, Accenture use polls and surveys to qualify their leads.

ASSESSMENTS - Likewise quizzes, assessments are little pieces to test your personality and brain in exchange for valuable insights. However, from a business point of view, it is a meaningful marketing tool for it helps gain a lot of information about the user.

INTERACTIVE INFOGRAPHICS - Try creating infographics that allow viewers to tweak the data which is relevant to them. Include flowcharts which take the participants to different results based on their answers. Infographics help viewers to interact with.

CALCULATORS & MEASUREMENT TOOLS - Interactive calculators such as tax calculators, headline analyzers, and salary checkers give participants immediate personalized feedback. Internet users look for fast content, thus making calculators and measurement tools perfect for lead generation.

Interactive content is a golden chance to make your brand stand out amongst the competitors and engage with your targeted audience. Get in touch with our team. We would be happy to assist you!!

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