5 Types of Blog Introductions Your Readers and Google Will Love


5 Types of Blog Introductions Your Readers and Google Will Love

A blog introduction needs to be sharp, catchy, and craft. It needs to capture the reader’s engagement and also support your SEO. The introduction also needs to ensure the reader that they will find what they are looking for from your blog.

Given the introduction is fairly short, this can be quite a challenge. Read on to see five types of blog introductions that not only your reads will love, but Google will be able to understand and support as well.

Make it Captivating

A captivating and unique intro will grab the reader’s attention and entice them to read more. Whether your blog is a fiction piece of work, a sales copy, to factual, or marketing contact – all introductions must start with a bang!

The point of an introduction is an interesting summary that will keep the reader intrigued and will want them to continue reading. It would also set the tone for the content that the reader is yet to read, and ensure that the content provided below is what the reader was searching for.

Look at witty one-liners, or puns to start your introduction off.


A blog is different to other pierces of writing in that it is almost like a conversation. The introduction therefore should reflect your personality, of the company’s personality, and connect with the like-minded reader on an emotional level.

Your introduction is your one and only chance to connect with the readers and encourage them to read on. Yes, connection can be hard to build through written words, but one way that may help is to write out a few, and see which one is best.

Practice makes perfect.

Tell them How You’ve Solved the Problem

More than likely your blog will be about an issue that you are trying to educate others about. One good way to capture your readers is by telling them that you once upon a time had this same issue, and here is how you fixed it.

A short anecdote about your experience could be all it takes to engage the reader, and make them think – actually, this is me as well.

This is a simple yet effective introduction. By referencing this problem and the solution, you are also providing more information to Google to know what your page is about.

Keep it Factual

Sometimes facts and statistics can help. Facts and statistics are convincing statements that can be used to convince a reader and back up any further arguments you will make.

Facts and statistics can also spike a reader’s interest, especially if it is not well-known or unexpected. This will keep the reader gasping and engaged.


Once you have the reader’s attention, you need to make sure you have Google’s attention as well.

Ideally you want your blog to rank well in Google. This means that you will need to communicate the content and what your blog is about clearly, and use SEO words to ensure that Google knows that is yet to come. That way when the reader searches for your topic, Google can point them to the right direction – your blog.

Use target keywords in your opening lines. This will help Google put your blog near the top of the search engine. Continue to weave relevant keywords into the introduction which would help Google understand the topic of your blog even better. The more keywords you have, the better Google robot will be able to understand and send it toward relevant readers.

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